
August 2013

See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God.  1John 3:1

Principal's Corner

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It is that time of the year already!  I hope that you and your children enjoyed the time off. 
Welcome back to those of you who are returning, and welcome to those of you who are new to Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  Also, I am asking you to help me welcome our new staff members:  Mrs. Barbara Haimelin is my new administrative assistant; Mrs. Maggie Burns is our new seventh grade language arts teacher (Mrs. Ann O'Brien will be teaching fourth grade while Miss Laura Goodhard is now in second); and Miss Raquel Crumley is our new art teacher. 

August is going to be a very busy month (actually, all of our months turn out to be quite busy), and it begins with Monday, August 5th.  If you are a new family to our school, please join us for a get acquainted dinner on August 5th at 6:00 P.M.  This is sponsored by our Home and School, and its purpose is to help you become acquainted with some of the other families and staff members as well as get some information to help you become more comfortable.  I look forward to seeing all of you that evening. 

Tuesday, August 6th, is registration day.  Reminder:  You will need several checks?we are not on credit cards yet; I am sorry about the inconvenience. Registration will be held in the gym from 7:30-noon. 

The first day of school for the students is August 8th, and for everyone, except Pre-K and Kindergarten, it is a full day.  Friday the 9th is our first all-school mass for the new school year.  Our traditional "Red Mass" (Mass of the Holy Spirit)  will be the following Friday, August 16th, and all students may wear a red shirt with their uniform bottoms or jumpers.  Our first official $1 out of uniform day is August 21st.  To welcome the middle school students (6th-8th grades) back, the parents have organized a dance for them at the Knights of Columbus Hall on the 10th.  More information will be given out during registration. 

If you are a returning family or a new family, we highly encourage you to join an organization to help us become a better school.  The Creative Arts Guild helps us to maintain our wonderful art and music programs.  They also provide funding for our students to attend various arts performances and exhibits.  This organization maintains St. Cecelia's Closet of used uniforms to help raise funds while providing a great service to our families.  Their first meeting is August 12th, and they would love to have you join them.  More information about the meeting will come out in the Fanfare.

Home and School is an integral part of OLPH.  They provide so many things for our students, teachers, and families.  When you pay your dues, you become a member, but they can use more manpower.  Being a Homeroom Parent is one of the many ways you can be an active part of the group.  There is a meeting for Homeroom Parents on the 19th.  There are two times set so that working parents as well as stay at home parents can meet.  The times are at 2:00 and 5:30.  On August 21st we will have our first official school-wide Home and School Meeting.  This will also be our school's Open House.  More information will be coming home on this; we hope to see you all there.

You probably have noticed  the new addition to our campus.  Thanks to Home and School, we now have a new outdoor space for our middle school children.  Thanks to Mrs. Meinert, we are creating our Stations of the Cross meditation area.  Thanks to all the teachers, students, and volunteers, our Nature's Place is in full bloom.  We love all of these and other areas of our campus, but maintenance is needed to help keep everything accessible and looking good.  We are going to have a workday on Saturday morning, August 17th.  We need as many people as we can get.  Mrs. Cissy West will be sending out information on this--please plan to be here that morning to help us. 

Whew!  There is a lot of information in this letter.  You will be getting your calendar/handbook at registration, and all of the dates are in there.  Also, the Fanfares are sent out every week as well as posted on our website.  Please take time to read them as the information is always updated as needed.

I look forward to seeing all of you next week.  Thank you for all of  your support; I am truly blessed to be part of this community. 

God bless,

Jeri McInturff