
October, 2011

It is better to be patient than powerful. It is better to win control over yourself than over whole cities. Proverbs 16:32

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It is hard to believe that October is here, but we are going to greet it with our annual Outback Bowl Football Game. I hope you can come and join in the fun. The weather is supposed to be perfect for football. In addition to this annual event, October will be a busy month for other sporting events including the volleyball tournament Monday, October 3rd.

• The virtue for October is Kindness and it is sponsored by the third grade.

• October 4th is the Blessing of the Animals. It will be held at 2:40 on our football field. Bring your animals and enjoy.

• October 6th is the Living Rosary. It will be held in the gym at 2:00. You are invited to attend this inspirational prayer event.

• October 7th is a Diocesan in-service for our staff in Knoxville; there is no school for the students.

• October 12th is parent/teacher conference day. We will be giving out the report cards during these conferences. Conferences should be scheduled with your teacher, and they will begin after school. Because of the conferences being all evening, there will only be a half day of school on October 14th. For parents who do not come to conferences, the report cards will be sent home on Thursday. For those who need a conference, but cannot come in on Wednesday evening, contact the teacher to set up another appointment.

• October 13th is when the seventh and eighth grade students from OLPH and St. Jude will be going to Notre Dame. They will be attending mass officiated by Bishop Stika and will spend the day participating in various activities that will acquaint them with Notre Dame High School and inform them on vocations.

• October 15-21 is Fall Break. (Need I say more?)

• October 22nd is our Ram Run at the Chattanooga Market. This is a fun event that benefits Home and School which in turn benefits your children.

• October 22nd & 23rd is Oktoberfest at the Chattanooga Market. OLPH will have a Bratwurst Booth. The proceeds of this booth go to our Annual Fund which in turn also benefits your children. Hope to see you there.

• October 29th is Trunk or Treat. This is a first for OLPH, and it is sponsored by Home and School. Look for more information in the Fanfare.

• October is the last month for shorts to be worn (see the handbook under dress code).

Below is a reminder about our Homework Make Up Policy. We receive calls daily regarding this. This policy is in our handbook. Although we do expect children to make up their work when they are out ill, we do not expect them to work on it while they are ill. That is why we give them the extra time to accomplish it. If a lot of work is missed, the teachers will work with you to keep it from being so burdensome; therefore, please contact the teacher.
Students must make up work missed during their absence from school. The student will be allowed 1 day per each day absent to turn in missed work or make up missed tests and quizzes. Homework policies are as follows:

• Primary grades (K - 2nd): The student and teacher shall work together to make up any missed assignment.

• Intermediate grades (3rd?5th): The first day absent no homework will be gathered for the student. The teacher will fill out the "Work for an Absent Student" form to give to the student the next day. If the student is out for more than one day the teachers will gather the homework and books and will have them on the bench outside of the school office by 3:00 P.M. This will apply to the second day absent and any days thereafter.

• Middle grades (6th - 8th): All missing assignments may be accessed through ParentsWeb. If the student is out for more than one day parents may request the necessary textbooks to be picked up on the bench outside of the school office by 3:00 P.M.

The students have begun working on their fall gardens in the Outdoor Classroom. When you get a chance, stop by and look at them. Thanks to our volunteers, the classroom is really shaping up and will be dedicated soon. We will let you know when this happens.

The Home and School had a very successful Spaghetti Dinner. I want to thank Mr. Gass and all of his helpers. This was a lot of work and very much appreciated. Also, the Home and School sponsored $1 out of uniform days have been great; the teachers are very grateful for the extra support. This organization has been very busy, and this month is one of the busiest. So, if you can help out in any of their activities, I know it will be very much appreciated.

The "Meet and Greet" sponsored by CAG last month was a great evening. If you could not make it, but are interested in this organization, join them at their CAG monthly meetings. This group of parents supports our art, music, and band programs. Plus, they help classrooms go to various productions or art presentations, and they have brought productions to the school. We have a great arts program, and we are so fortunate to have such support.

Before we know it, October will be gone. So, enjoy the month and the beautiful fall days we have in store for us.

God Bless,
Jeri McInturff