
February, 2010

A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me. Psalm 51:12

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Another month is gone and our shortest calendar month will indeed seem to go even faster. Every month I look at the calendar and wonder how we can squeeze so much in such a short time. But we do, and most of the time we do it successfully. Of course this nine weeks we have had even more challenges due to the heating unit and the weather.

The beginning of this month is very special for us because of Catholic Schools Week. I am not going to repeat all of our plans/schedule for the week in this communication because it has been sent out to you so many times in several formats. Please note the dates that parents are invited. We would love to have you. However, note that parents are NOT invited to the Friday mass at Sts. Peter and Paul. It is not because we don’t want you, but we just will not have the room. We will be seating 980 students, faculties from all three schools, and the priests from the deanery. This is a special time for the students and we want to make it as meaningful and comfortable as possible. Thank you for your understanding of this.

On February 2, the fifth and eighth grade students will be taking the TCAP Writing Assessment. Information was sent home to all the parents explaining the process and the scoring. If you are one of these parents and have not received the information, check your student’s book bag. If you still cannot find it, I can get you another copy of it. Just let me know.

On February 10th our basketball teams will be playing St. Jude School. Seventh/eighth grades games will be played at Notre Dame and the fifth/sixth grades will be played here. We will be having a pep rally that afternoon to inspire school spirit. Join us at both the pep rally and at a venue for the games.

Traditionally, January is Family Empowerment Month. But because our January was so hectic, we are designating February as our Family Empowerment Month. I have sent emails out to various grade level parent groups about workshops geared especially for them. If you are one of those parents, I encourage your attendance. Please let us know if you can attend so we can prepare for the correct numbers. Other activities for this month will be going home shortly.

I sent an email to all of you explaining Parent Conferences. I cannot emphasize enough how important these are. Your child/children do not have to be in academic trouble to attend these conferences. Also, bringing your child/children to these conferences is very beneficial. We’d much rather talk to/with the child than about him/her. He/she in return can understand that we’re working together as parents and educators to help him/her be successful. He/she can participate in the conversation and shed some light on out misunderstandings. So, please make an appointment to attend the Parent Conferences. Knowing that Friday was not a good day for most parents, we are holding them on Tuesday, Feb. 9, after school until 7:30. School will still dismiss at 11:30 on Friday, Feb. 12, as scheduled to compensate the time taken on Tuesday evening. During that morning of Feb. 12, the Spanish teachers have planned a special Cultural Day Program for the children. More information will be going home on that. Reminder: Ash Wednesday is February 17th.

Mark the date: On March 3 we will be having a "Family Biofuels Night". This will be a science/math evening of fun and learning on the topic of Biolfuels. This program is possible through the outreach program of the Creative Discovery Museum. Have a great February and pray that the Groundhog does not see his shadow so Spring will be here soon.

God Bless,
Jeri McInturff