
October, 2010

I give you thanks that I am fearfully, wonderfully made, wonderful are your works. ---Psalm 139:14

October 2010

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Fall is officially here. By the 8th of this month, we will have officially finished the first quarter of the school year—only three quarters more to go. Wow! In addition, the school year is getting busier and busier with all types of activities going on.

I don’t mean to repeat our calendar to you in these letters, but there are happenings that do warrant reminding:
  • No school for students Friday the 1st because of teacher-in-service in Knoxville.
  • Blessing of the animals is scheduled for Monday, the 4th .
  • The Living Rosary will be put on by the eighth graders on Friday, the 8th. This is always a great event, all parents are invited. Look for more information to come.
  • The eighth graders will be in Wesley Woods from the 13th until the 15th. This is always a great event for them. It is their retreat, and they come back more closely bonded. Please remember the students and the success of their retreat in your prayers.
  • Home and School has a meeting on the 13th. Because the eighth graders will be on retreat, there will be no babysitting. Don’t let that keep you home. Your Home and School Committee has been very hard at work and need your support.
  • Oct. 18-22 is Fall Break. Enjoy and stay safe.
  • The Oktoberfest is the 23rd and 24th with the Ram Run on the 23rd. This is a great event and our one big fundraiser for Home and School.
  • Our third $1 Out of Uniform day will be on the 27th.
  • Parent Conferences will be the afternoon and evening of the 27th. The teachers will be sending more information home on this. Please try to attend these conferences; if you cannot make it on this date, reschedule. These conferences are not only for parents of struggling students, but for all parents. We have these conferences on a Wednesday afternoon and evening so we can accommodate more parents than on a Friday afternoon. We also like for the students to accompany their parents to these meetings; it is important that they hear what we are talking about. Because these meetings add extra time to teachers and students, we have only ½ day on the 29th.

This month has seen the resurgence of the Booster Club. They have some exciting plans. Look for their meetings in the Fanfare and try to attend.

Our Creative Arts Guild (CAG) continues to be successful and do wonderful things for our children and the arts programs. Their meetings are always announced in the Fanfare also, they would love for more participants.

Nature’s Place is coming along. The paved walk is completed, thank you to the volunteers who worked so hard on their weekends. We are now waiting for the delivery of the wood for the building of the planters. Once these are completed, students will be doing some planting. The other features of the outdoor classroom are also being planned and will be put in as time and acquisition of supplies allow.

As football, volleyball, and cross country wind down, new sports are gearing up; look for the information in the Fanfares on Fridays.

Thank you for all of your continued support, and have a wonderful October.

God Bless, J

Jeri McInturff